Why do not men encourage women ?
Why do not men encourage women |
Women try to seduce men in the office, trying to attract them more. This habit makes him popular among the men who work with him. This habit also casts his image among men as a smarter and less trustworthy person.
That's why men are not able to do believe
Which is why men do not trust such women. An attempt was also made to know whether this habit of wooing women in business related matters meant anything to the people. Women try to seduce trend workers in the opposite situations in their profession. But these workers also see this habit of women in a negative way.
Women are favored when they seduce men for the benefit of their work. But due to this, a negative thinking is also formed in the colleagues and it becomes difficult to trust the woman.
Women try to seduce men in the office, trying to attract them more. This habit makes him popular among the men who work with him. This habit also casts his image among men as a smarter and less trustworthy person. That is why men are not able to do Believe:
Why do not men encourage women |
Which is why men do not trust such women. An attempt was also made to know whether this habit of wooing women in business related matters meant anything to the people. Women try to seduce trend workers in the opposite situations in their profession. But these workers also see this habit of women in a negative way.
Women are favored when they seduce men for the benefit of their work. But due to this, a negative thinking is also formed in the colleagues and it becomes difficult to trust the woman.