careful! These things make the brain very weak

careful!  These things make the brain very weak

careful!  These things make the brain very weak
careful! These things make the brain very weak

You must have read and heard many times what should be eaten to make the mind sharp, but there are also many things that the brain weakens due to excessive consumption.  See, what are those things. Eating too many sweet or sugar-rich things can weaken the mind.  Sugar reduces the ability to remember and keep things.  It is better to keep distance from the food items which are high in fructose.

  A research conducted at the University of Montreal found that eating too much junk food causes chemical changes in the brain.  As a result, stress and nervousness start increasing in humans.  Eating such things as pizza, burgers, stops the formation of dopamine, a hormone that produces happiness in humans.  Depamine also produces recollection and alertness, but if its quantity decreases then the brain also starts to weaken.

  It is bad to eat fried fried things everyday.  Particularly the fried triumphs contain chemical, dye, fake flavors and preservatives that cause hyperactivity in children and young people.  This is why bad changes happen in nature.  Such things slowly ruin the nerve cell of the brain.

 Artificial sweetener should also be avoided.  People often use sweetener instead of real sugar in the process of weight loss.  It is true that they contain fewer calories than sugar but consuming them for a long time can lead to brain damage.

  Tobacco, cigarettes contain nicotine and its intake does not allow blood to flow to the brain.  Nicotine shows aging before age, increasing the risk of cancer.  It affects the formation of neurotransmitters because it tightens the small blood vessels of the brain that are responsible for the functioning of the brain.  Because of this, the brain is not able to function properly.

  Extremely salty eating makes the ability to think weak.  Excess sodium is not only harmful for heart and blood pressure, but it can also destroy your intelligence.  Consumption of more salt and nicotine is believed to have the same effect as drugs.

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